
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kenyan Ambassador: Obama's Birthplace in Kenya is "An Attraction...Already Well-Known"

All In The Family

From Free Republic

About twelve minutes into a Detroit radio station’s interview with Kenyan ambassador Peter Ogego, he is asked whether or not monuments will be erected in honor of Obama’s elevation to the United States presidency.

Ogego responds that a monument will be erected at Obama’s birthplace in Kenya, which is already a site of pilgrimage: “His birthplace is already an attraction…it’s already well known.”

Obama’s Kenyan grandmother has also asserted that he was born in Kenya, not the United States. The Constitution bars those born outside of US territory from becoming President.

There are also lawsuits pending — including one by Obama’s former Senate campaign opponent Alan Keyes — challenging Obama to provide proof of citizenship eligibility to take office. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has put this isssue on the docket for the Court to review on December 5th.


  1. Facts? We don't need no stinking facts!

    Thanks for posting the info, BTW.

  2. The link says the lawsuit was filed in California Superior Court. Just how could Clarence Thomas be putting it on the docket for December 5?

    You can believe anything I want, I suppose and not let the facts get in the way of your opinion, but the State of Hawaii has certified that Prese. Obama's birth certificate is valid.

    Face it, your guy lost the election. Time to move on.

  3. Brian,
    First off, there are 3 lawsuits. Two of which are with SCOTUS, so that is why Justice Thomas has placed it on the docket.
    Secondly, this is not about "your guy" - this debate is not about McCain versus Obama (AKA Barry Soetoro) but is about the Constitution - the State of HI stated they have a COLB on file. They have not verified his birthplace. Secondly, he is Candidate Obama (until 15 Dec) then he becomes President Elect, until Jan 20, then he becomes President. Just to be FACTUAL.

  4. JUST SHOW US THE PAPER?it not about your guy or my guy like the man said it's about the the rules we have sworn to uphold,and live and die by""OUR CONSTUTION of The United States"" Man just quit wasting time and just put this to rest,or Maybe his poor old grandmother was right.Besides everyone knows ""YOUR GRANDMOTHER WON"T LIE TO YOU"would she?????

  5. I think it's time to bring this to a head.It's time for mr Barrack Hussien Obama to either put this to rest or show us the proof.If he is who he claims to be,what or why is he not putting his B.C. out there to prove he the real deal everyone voted for.It seems to me, he must have a reason for fighting this,I think he doth protest too much!!!Please mr President pull us together and don't let this divide us anymore.If your the man you claim can fix theses problems of our economoy,proving you were "BORNED"" in Hawaii would be a cake walk.

  6. They photoshopped his skin tone to make him look lighter. LOL. what a loser.
