
Friday, November 21, 2008

Public Schools Not Good Enough For Obama's Children, But You Should Stay Put

The Sidwell Friends School

In a long tradition of hypocritical, limousine liberals, the Obama's have sworn before the NEA and the AFT their unyielding opposition to allowing poor, inner-city families the freedom to seek out better schools for their children. "We need to focus on fixing and improving our public schools; not throwing our hands up and walking away from them," he told them.

But when it comes to his own family, he's not about to subject his children to those schools:

Obama's Girls Will Attend Private School

By Lisa Tolin, AP

President-elect Barack Obama and his wife have chosen Sidwell Friends School for their two daughters, opting for a private institution that another White House child, Chelsea Clinton, attended a decade ago.

"A number of great schools were considered. In the end, the Obamas selected the school that was the best fit for what their daughters need right now," said Katie McCormick Lelyveld, a spokeswoman for Michelle Obama.

She said Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, "bring with them a number of security and privacy concerns that come with being part of the new first family — and the school they've selected is positioned to appropriately accommodate that."

1 comment:

  1. THe article mentions tuition is $29000 a student...$58K for the two children. It is clear that the Obamas were so concerned with not stressing the DC public schools with additional students that they are willing to sacrifice the equivalent of a decent salary in many parts of the U.S..

    One must admire the self-less and generous dedication of the first family to public school education. It is unfortunate that they did not CHOOSE one of many cheaper private schools, since then they could have sponsored some other children trapped in DC schools whose families cannot afford a CHOICE in educating their kids. How much $ and free labor did the NEA give the OBAMA campaign? Can any of that be redirected to actually helping the children still trapped in DC public schools?
