
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Former Muslim Makes Film on Prophet Muhammad

Following on the heels of Dutch politician Geert Wilders' film on Islam, another Dutch politician who is also a former Muslim has made a film entitled "An Interview with Muhammad. Ehsan Jami's "Interview with Muhammad" is less confrontational, but has provoked worldwide Muslim rage and puts his life at risk.

Twenty-three-year-old Ehsan Jami is a member of the council of the small Dutch town of Leidschedam-Voorburg.

In the 15 minute film Mr. Jami interviews the prophet Muhammad, discussing his life and the ways the Koran has been interpreted by his followers.

According to Jami, "Muslims should interpret the deeds of Muhammad differently, that's what I hope, that's what I try to do. The realization has to come with their conscience, with a reformation."

1 comment:

  1. Hello. This video is disgraceful and shows complete and utter disrespect to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH. It makes a mockery of the religion followed by over 1 billion people. Know that Muslims will defend the honour of their beloved Prophet(PBUH) and will not allow him to be disrespected in this or any other way. I'd also like to challenge the concept of freedom which can pave the way to creating nothing except hatred and divisions between people. Is it really a value to strive for and adopt? Will it really create harmony and peace between communities? I leave you with that thought.
