
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Melanie Phillips: "War Is Being Waged Against Civilisation"

Melanie Phillips, the British journalist and author, has written the most clear and perceptive analysis of the Islamic terrorist attack in Mumbai. What she sees and so many other commentators do not, is that this atrocity is not a random act or the result of local grievances. It is, rather, another carefully chosen battle in Islam's worldwide war on Western civilization.

While the atrocity in Mumbai was underway, other battles were and are being waged in India's eastern state of Orissa and in scores of other places around the world wherever there is a sizable Muslim population. Indeed, the
more than 10,000 terrorist attacks waged since 9/11 have one, overarching, geopolitical goal -- the worldwide dominion of Islam. Unfortunately, Europe's leaders, and soon America's, continue to welcome enemy infiltrators among us, are willing to bankrupt our national economies with a UN Global Tax that purports to address "the root causes" of terrorism, under the false assumption that these "incidents" are the result of poverty and high unemployment, and in the one area calling for a high degree of multinational collaboration, they fail to see that it is all of the West that is under siege -- Christian, Jew, Hindu, the "I'm spiritual not religious" crowd, secularist and atheist.

The delusion under which the West continues to operate will come to an end; but how many wake-up calls like Mumbai must there be, how many thousands more must die, and how horrific must the catastrophe be before the West arises from its slumber?

1 comment:

  1. If 9-11 wasn't a wake up call, then I don't know if our leaders will ever wake up.
    They want to "sit down and discuss things" with terrorists.
    How do you have a rational dialoge with someone who thinks it's a great honor if their child dies in a suicide bombing?
