
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Whom (Sic) Shall Replace HRC in U.S. Senate?

From News Blaze
Satire By John Lillpop

It is now official: Hillary Rodham Clinton has been demoted to the position of Secretary of State. In that capacity, she will report to a young black man who will occupy the Oval Office, a government edifice that should rightfully be her exclusive domain until at least 2012, and preferably 2016.

However, instead of running the White House as she did from January 1993 to January 2001, Hillary will have to be content with being just another cabinet member in the administration of America's second African-American president.

All of which leaves New York Governor David Paterson in the unenviable position of filling Hillary's shoes in the United States Senate.

Paterson will be forced to walk a very thin tight-rope to assure that a competent, yet politically correct; senator is sent to represent New York State, especially since competency has been woefully missing since January, 2001.

Pity for Paterson, Leona Hemsley, the late Queen of Mean has expired, removing the perfect replacement for Hillary from the list of eligible dames.

Opel Bijiquiovarti, our intrepid beltway insider, reports (on the condition of anonymity), that Governor Paterson will be looking for the following qualities in Hillary's successor:

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