
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Fuel, And Big Fascism

From NewsWithViews
By Alan Stang

What form of government are we supposed to have? The Founders of this country bequeathed us a system we used to call Free Enterprise, in which the government was supposed to leave business alone. Because of that system, endorsed by scripture, we became the greatest nation known to history.

Now, what kind of system do we actually have today? Because the original system has been perverted – first by ordinary criminals, then by the conspiracy for world government – the system we have now, the perversion, began as “mercantilism” and today is best described as Fascism.

“Mercantilism” was the system the Founding Fathers designed our new country to reject. In part, it meant government control of the economy and colonies controlled by force of arms. One example of a mercantilist enterprise was the British East India Company, which ruled that country for the Queen. Another was the Dutch East India Company, which, at the height of its power, had forty warships.

A man named Benito Mussolini renamed this system and installed it in Italy after World War I. He called it “Fascism.” Remember that Fascism had nothing to do with oppressing Jews. Mussolini came to power legally in 1922, after the infamous March on Rome, when no one had ever heard of former Corporal Hitler. Hitler would not become Chancellor, legally, for another eleven years, not until 1933. Both Mussolini and Hitler were basically street thugs, but, again, they took control of their governments legally, within the constitutional frameworks of their respective countries.

What was and is Fascism? Mussolini is the expert. Would you believe him? According to Mussolini, Fascism is an amalgamation of the monster corporations and the government, which gives the former the force they need to impose their will and gives the latter the power they crave. Indeed, Mussolini’s system also became known as “the corporate state.”

In the beginning, there was considerable admiration for Mussolini’s system in Washington, District of Corporatism. Yes, he was a thug, and, yes, his followers wore black shirts, but he certainly did “make the trains run on time.” Indeed, there was even some enthusiasm in the District for Adolf’s typical German efficiency at the very beginning, before the discovery of the Holocaust.

There is considerable reluctance among patriots to call our present, perverted system “Fascism,” because that is what the Communists traditionally have called it, and a patriot rightly shrinks from parroting something the Communists say. That reluctance should be dismissed because the difference is that the Communists want to replace Fascism with their version of Socialism, which is of course Communism, while patriots want to replace the present Fascist system with the original system of Free Enterprise. Patriots want to revive the dormant Constitution.

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