
Monday, January 26, 2009

Catholic Schools Week: An Opportunity and a Suggestion

This week is the thirty-sixth annual "Catholic Schools Week" throughout the United States.

I have written previously about the history, mission and importance of these schools. This week offers an opportunity for anyone who is curious, whether you are Catholic or not, and whether you have school-aged children or not, to visit these schools, observe classes, and talk to the teachers and principal. You would be warmly welcomed.

Every Catholic school is a unique community with its own charism, history and traditions, but what they share has made them a vital safety valve in America's inner-cities, where more than half of all students entering public high schools drop out. They are also chosen by many hundreds of thousands of suburban and rural parents who believe that moral, spiritual and character formation are at least as important as one's academic development, and are an essential part of a complete education.

For those who have the time, I would suggest that along with a visit to your local Catholic school, you consider asking the local public school authorities for the opportunity to visit at least one of the local public schools for which you pay. We would be pleased to publish your findings.

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