
Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Christian Clergyman ‘Horrified’ by ‘Aggressively Christian’ Prayers?

From The Fox Forum
By Lauren Green

The inauguration invocation is the high profile event for a member of the clergy. It’s only been around since 1937, but it’s grounded in a rich, religious history that’s helped shaped this country.

At President-elect Barak Obama’s inauguration, Pastor Rick Warren will have the honors. Pastor Warren is the senior minister of Saddleback Church in Southern California and the uber-bestselling author of “The Purpose Driven Life.” Liberals objected to Warren because of his conservative views, specifically his support of Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that banned gay marriage in California.

What some see as a move to placate the gay and Lesbian community was the selection of the openly-gay Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson to say the prayer for the star-studded, kick-off of the inaugural week. The Inaugural Committee says it wasn’t about “righting” a perceived “wrong.” They said Bishop Robinson had been on their list for a while and they chose him for his message of inclusive civil rights.

Read the rest of this entry >>


  1. We NEED more aggressively Christian prayers and pray-ers!!!

    Take a gander at this video clip @ the bottom of link below. Detecting a little aggression in those that want to stamp out our faith through whatever means necessary.

    [made my blood boil!]

  2. Check this out if you haven't already:

    Geert Wilders:

    "Defend our freedom before it is too late."
