
Friday, January 9, 2009

"Gay Rage" is Redundant: A Message to Our Critics

As we will no doubt see when Pastor Rick Warren offers a prayer for our incoming President, volatile, disordered rage seems to be part and parcel of the homosexual lifestyle. A Fox News headline declaring "Inaugural Pick Sparks Gay Fury," prompted an editor friend of mine to ask, "when was the last time gays were 'mildly vexed' by some turn of affairs, and expressed 'measured disappointment'"?

South Carolina's liberal blogosphere seems to have more than its share of enraged homosexualists. We don't expect them to like everything we publish here at Sunlit Uplands, and frankly, we don't care.

We will not engage their steady stream of insults, nor will we post coarse, insulting comments. We welcome comments of opposing points of view and will readily publish all that are civil. We will not provide a forum for those who coarsen the culture. Our intention is to defend, and in a small way to help in the renewal of a culture that is Christian and fully human.

So let the heathen rage! Our bet is that no one "is laughing" at their behavior, and most will find their manic rants rather tiresome after awhile.

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