
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems

From the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality
By N. E. Whitehead, Ph.D.

Summary: Recent studies show homosexuals have a substantially greater risk of suffering from a psychiatric problems than do heterosexuals. We see higher rates of suicide, depression, bulimia, antisocial personality disorder, and substance abuse. This paper highlights some new and significant considerations that reflect on the question of those mental illnesses and on their possible sources.

The American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its diagnostic list of mental disorders in 1973, despite substantial protest (see Socarides, 1995). The A.P.A. was strongly motivated by the desire to reduce the effects of social oppression. However, one effect of the A.P.A.'s action was to add psychiatric authority to gay activists' insistence that homosexuals as a group are as healthy as heterosexuals. This has discouraged publication of research that suggests there may, in fact, be psychiatric problems associated with homosexuality.

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  1. There must be a correlation between homosexuality and mental illness. Otherwise, the militant gays wouldn't have to work so hard to shove their aberrational lifestyle down our throats -- specifically targeting grade school children.

    Truly a bizarre motivation and approach to changing a culture from what is normal, to what is, blatantly, abnormal.

  2. Homosexuals never talk about the health problms that this kind of behavior cause in their bodies. As we know anal sex can cause permanent damage of the anus, cancer, and many more problms. So, I think it is unfair promote homosexuality as a healthy life style and compare it with heterosexuality.

  3. Heterosexuals never talk about the health problems that this kind of behavior causes in their bodies. As we know vaginal sex can cause permanent damage of the vagina, cancer, and many more problems. So I think is unfair to promote heterosexuality as a healthy life style and compare it with homosexuality. (see how easy is to talk and sound smart without quoting evidence)

    "There must be a correlation between homosexuality and mental illness"

    Yes there is, 90% of the population hating gay people, they get outcast, they can't express their feelings in public, they are send to medical facilities to be "cured", they are constantly bulled. You think some one will be mentally healthy with that treatment every day of their lives?

    People need to back of and stop judging.

  4. That is really true. I agree with the comments and I think it's time to open our minds to this kind of situations and events.
