
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hundreds of Thousands March for Life, Pro-Life People Invigorated to Stop Obama

By Steven Ertelt

Hundreds of thousands of pro-life advocates marched for life today in the nation's capital and they displayed a renewed vigor to stop abortions. it appeared in the excitement in the crowd that the election of Barack Obama had one silver lining, the ability to motivate millions of pro-life advocates to get to work.

Congressman Chris Smith, who has been a pro-life leader on Capitol Hill for years, addressed the pre-march rally.

"Each of you are an integral part of the greatest human rights struggle on the face of the earth – the right to life movement," he said. "A selfless expression of tangible love, compassion and commitment to protecting women and children from the pain and violence of abortion and safeguarding all who are weak, frail, and unwanted."

Smith gave the marchers hope for survival during the next four years.

"Be encouraged – our cause is right, our faith unshakable; our resolve indomitable," he said. "Continue to speak truth to power. Tell the President and lawmakers that abortion methods dismember, chemically poison, or starve to death precious children. Remind them that abortion is child abuse."

"Tell them of the incredibly brave post-abortive women, who speak out, and remind us that there are at least two victims in every abortion – mother and child," Smith added.

"Let this be absolutely clear, pro-lifers will never quit, be discouraged or grow weary," he concluded.

Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council, noticed that excitement and energy among the throngs of people.

"These marchers aren't a special interest group seeking recognition for themselves. Rather, they march for the day when unborn children are fully protected under law," he said.

Gary Bauer, the president of American Values, did as well and said the pro-life people there will do everything in their power to legally halt worst of the new administration’s pro-abortion agenda.

"We will oppose efforts to promote abortion. We will oppose attempts to force taxpayers to subsidize abortions. We will be a voice for the voiceless. We will speak up for the most defenseless in our society," he said.

"We will make the case for the sanctity of life in meetings with policy makers in Washington, and in editorials in major publications, and we will always encourage every American to celebrate life," he added.

Marchers came in by busloads from across the country to participate on the day when they mourned about 50 million abortions that have been done since Roe.

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