
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Barack Obama Under Fire for Picking a Crony Fundraiser as His Ambassador to Britain

Barack Obama has been embroiled in a cronyism row after reports that he intends to make Louis Susman, one of his biggest fundraisers, the new US ambassador in London.

Mr. Obama's campaign promises to change politics as usual had raised hopes that he would not continue the practise of doling out prized ambassadorships to cronies. Photo: AP

The Telegraph
By Tim Shipman

The selection of Mr Susman, a lawyer and banker from the president's hometown of Chicago, rather than an experienced diplomat, raises new questions about Mr Obama's commitment to the special relationship with Britain.

American commentators denounced the selection of a rich friend to the plumb post, regarded as one of the most prestigious in the president's gift, as worthy of a "banana republic".

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