
Monday, February 9, 2009

Climate Change Indoctrination Takes a Mental Toll

We don't share the assumptions in this article that man-made global warming will precipitate global catastrophe. However, millions of students around the world are being brainwashed and traumatized by politicians and ideologues in government schools.

Climate Change Takes a Mental Toll

From The Boston Globe
By Emily Anthes

Last year, an anxious, depressed 17-year-old boy was admitted to the psychiatric unit at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. He was refusing to drink water. Worried about drought related to climate change, the young man was convinced that if he drank, millions of people would die. The Australian doctors wrote the case up as the first known instance of "climate change delusion."

Robert Salo, the psychiatrist who runs the inpatient unit where the boy was treated, has now seen several more patients with psychosis or anxiety disorders focused on climate change, as well as children who are having nightmares about global-warming-related natural disasters.

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