
Friday, February 27, 2009

Conservative Senator Blasted for Pro-Family Stance

From OneNewsNow
By Charlie Butts and Marty Cooper

Chris Buttars (R-Utah)A Utah state senator has been disciplined over remarks about homosexual activism.

State Senator Chris Buttars recently commented to a documentary filmmaker that he believes the homosexual lifestyle is immoral, adding that militant homosexual activism poses a grave threat to American culture. Matt Barber, director of cultural affairs at Liberty Counsel, says Utah's Senate president Michael Waddoups caved in and took punitive action against Buttars instead of supporting his own constituent.

"What's unfortunate is the Republican leadership has thrown him under the bus," he contends. "Senator Buttars' comments and beliefs are shared by the vast majority, certainly of Utahans, and by the conservative majority of Americans."

Waddoups has removed Buttars from his post as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, a move which Barber calls a validation of the radical left-wing agenda. Barber believes action taken against Buttars indicates the Republican Party is deserting the traditional values that helped make it strong.

"Until they start defending those values unapologetically and boldly as Senator Buttars has done here, they will continue to lose membership," he points out. "And who needs Democrat-Lite? So having a bunch of RINOS, Republicans in name only, in the GOP has just decimated the Republican Party."
Matt Barber
In a Liberty Counsel press release, Barber claims the Republican Party is "spiraling into the abyss of political irrelevancy." He also states that America's conservative majority is starved for leaders to represent traditional values.

Barber is asking people to contact Senator Waddoups and urge him to reinstate Senator Buttars.


  1. Way to go, Senator Buttars!

    It is a disgraceful day in the land of the free if you can't state your conscience with pride.

    Straight Pride!

    He will have the support of the people. That weasel Barber will have their contempt. In Utah, that WILL NOT fly for long.

    It is beginning to look like we need to have 2 republics, not one. One for the gays and those tolerant of what is specifically abhorred in the Bible. And this country is a Christian nation.

    The other for the rest of us still basing our ethics on the greatest book in the world!

  2. Yikes. Pardon me, Mr. Barber. You are the greatest!

    I meant to say that **Weasel Waddoups**

    Which is not nice. It is mean. But it is true.
