
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dutch MP Geert Wilders Deported after Flying to Britain to Show Anti-Islamic Film

A controversial Dutch politician has been sent back to Holland after trying to enter Britain to show his anti-Muslim film in the House of Lords.

From The Telegraph
By Christopher Hope, John Bingham and Bruno Waterfield

Geert Wilders had been invited to Westminster to show his 17-minute film Fitna, which criticises the Koran as a "fascist book", by a member of the House of Lords.

But on Tuesday Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary refused Mr Wilders entry because his opinions "would threaten community security and therefore public security" in the UK.

Mr Wilders went ahead with his trip anyway, and flew from Amsterdam to London on a British Midland flight.

When he arrived at Heathrow airport he was met by two plain clothed officers from the UK Border Agency.

Read the rest of this entry >>

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Wilders' speech, had he been allowed to give it, can be read here:

    What a travesty for freedom. Why isn't the MSM more on this?!?

    I saw a show on TBN or INSP late last night -- can't recall the name of the fellow, but he is a Messianic Jew; he was really boiling down all of these conflicts to a simple reality that politicians DO NOT want to deal with:

    It is a conflict between their god, Allah -- and Jehovah, our God. No amount of reasoning will change things in the Islamists' minds. No amount of territory concession will ever be enough. It is Allah vs. Jehovah, until the end of time.

    Good grief! Do we need some Winston Churchill's in Washington D.C. more than ever, or what? Senator DeMint, we are proud to have you representing us, without fear of reprisal!!!

