
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Geert Wilders' Party Explodes after Expulsion

From CBN News
By Dale Hurd

THE HAGUE, Netherlands - Critics say the freedom to criticize Islam in Europe has been put in jeopardy after Dutch politician Geert Wilders was banned last week from entering Britain because of his attacks on Islam.

But while the controversial politician may have failed to enter the United Kingdom, the Dutch public has rallied around Wilders, and support for his party has exploded.

His party, the Party for Freedom, is now the second largest party in the Netherlands, based on recent polling. It's a stunning political development.

Wilders, like him or not, has a two fold mission. One is to sound the alarm bells about the spread of Islam in Europe, and the other is to show how far he thinks western governments have gone in appeasing radical Islam.

Hurd: Why do you think support for your party has surged?

Wilders: Common people in many cities in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam and Rotterdam and there are many smaller cities and villages, see that their country is changing, see that the influence of Islam and Islamization is growing, and they don't like that.

They are not xenophobes. They are not racist. They do not hate Muslims. But they feel that their own culture, based on Christianity, Judaism, and humanism is something to fight for.

Hurd: What does your not being allowed in the United Kingdom prove, if anything?

Wilders: It proves that the influence of Islam in Western European countries is huge.

Wilders still faces trial in the Netherlands for hate speech. But his political stock continues to grow.

The speech that Britain's Labour Party would not permit to be heard.


  1. Wilders is the canary in Europe's coalmine....the US should pay close attention.

  2. Mr Cassidy, your link to the Wilders film (and his supposed speech he was due to deliver) is from a racist nationalist party website (British National Party) and is not the mainstream of British national opinion. A more balanced view is taken in the other respectable news outlets- ones that do not espouse a racist rhetoric. (i.e. The Times, The Guardian, Independent, BBC, Daily Telegraph). Your link is akin to a brit reporting on Obama's inauguration with video links from the KKK to argue a point.

  3. Dear Anonymous,

    The film does not include any racist content. It merely provides a reading of the speech that Mr. Wilders would have delivered had he been allowed to enter Britain.

    With regard to what you consider the "mainstream of British national opinion," that, it would seem, is the problem. When the views of a freely elected parliamentarian cannot be aired, when a British Airways flight attendant is terminated for wearing a small Christian symbol, when a home health aide is suspended for offering to pray with a patient, when lives are threatened for simply expressing concern over an alien culture colonizing one's country, it would seem the culture is seriously ailing.

    It is my view that it is suffering from the very political correctness inherent in your comments. This blog is not concerned with political correctness; it is concerned with the truth. If there is anything untrue in the Daily Telegraph story we posted, or the contents of the video, we will correct or remove them.

    Perhaps if the "mainstream British national opinion" were more concerned with defending all that is good and true in your traditional culture, and less concerned with political correctness, there would be no need for extreme elements of the right to balance the extreme attitudes foisted on the British public by the current government and some of the media outlets you mention.

  4. Amen, Mr. Cassidy. Thanks for the link!

    Great Britain IS our proverbial canary in the coalmine. If we didn't 'get it' last year, with Geert Wilders' plight in the Netherlands, we have another warning...more time to prepare.

    It is a very gracious wake-up call -- and we should be vigilant in our mission to protect the Judeo-Christian heritage of this country.

    Vigilance does not pre-empt compassion for our own Muslim brothers and sisters, however!

