
Saturday, February 7, 2009

“Good Saint Anne” Visits New York

From Tradition, Family and Property
By John Horvat II

Unheralded and unexpected, Bishop Marquis arrived at the rectory of Saint Jean Baptiste in New York City on a Sunday morning, May 1, 1892. Traveling from Rome to Quebec, he had stopped in New York to rest before continuing his trip.

No sooner did Fr. Frederick Tetreau and his assistants learn of the prelate's mission—he was the bearer of a relic of Saint Anne, solicited from His Holiness Pope Leo XIII by the Cardinal-Archbishop of Quebec—than they begged him to allow this sacred treasure to be exposed for the veneration of the faithful during the evening's Vespers service. Since the bishop was not scheduled to leave for Quebec until the next day, he consented and the reliquary was taken to the church.

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