
Friday, February 13, 2009

The Islamization of Britain Continues.......

Queen Boadicea, the Ancient British Queen

On the heels of Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders' deportation from Britain, we wonder if a militant atheist, or anti-Christian zealot would have met the same fate in that once Christian nation. Geert Wilders was responding to an invitation to show a well documented film that exposes the clear teachings of the Koran. That his message could not even be heard in the Palace of Westminster is a measure of how advanced the nation's dhimmitude is, even in the Mother of Parliaments.

The British national security service, MI5, has identified over 2,000 Islamists posing a national security threat. Has anything been done to deport a single one of them? The silencing of Geert Wilders in a nation that once championed freedom of speech will accelerate the colonization of that nation by barbarians who will overturn the progress of a millenium toward freedom and human rights and return her, in the words of Tennyson, "to the slave, the scourge, the chain."

Walter Bagehot said that "England invented the phrase 'Her Majesty's Opposition'; that it was the first government which made a criticism of administration as much a part of the polity as administration itself." Has that been lost? Are the political elites simply facilitating the handover of their people to the colonizers? Where is the Boadicea who will finally say "enough!"?

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