
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pro-Life Leaders Warn of New Strategy to Pass Freedom of Choice Act

Abortion Advocates Not Backing Away, They Say

The Elliot Institute

Abortion advocates in Congress may try to pass the Freedom of Choice Act in pieces rather than risk the controversy of trying to pass the legislation as a single bill, some pro-life leaders are warning.

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which would enshrine abortion as a national law and invalidate state and federal laws regulating or restricting abortion -- such as informed consent and parental notification laws -- has attracted particular controversy since President Obama promised during his presidential campaign to sign such legislation if it were passed.

According to, some abortion advocates, including Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, have said they are not that interested in passing FOCA. Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life and Brad Mattes of Life Issues Institute say that their backing away from this legislation is merely a ruse and that Congress could instead try to pass the legislation through a series of bills, hoping pro-life advocates and the public won't notice.

"We are now seeing the abortion forces waging an incremental battle — working to pass what we have termed 'FOCA-by-Stealth,'" Yoest was quoted as saying. "They think that if they take FOCA and repackage it and pass it in pieces and under different names . . . that we won't notice."

Obama has already the Mexico City Policy, which prevented millions of dollars from flowing to groups that promote abortions overseas. He is also likely to restore funding to the United Nations Population Fund, which was denied funding by the Bush Administration after being linked to China's program of coerced and forced abortions.

Such laws will not only likely increase the number of abortions around the world, but also subject more women and girls to unwanted, coerced or forced abortions and increased physical and psychological harm associated with abortion.

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