
Friday, February 6, 2009

Russia to Start Iran Nuclear Plant by Year End

Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant

From the International Herald Tribune
By Denis Dyomkin and Guy Faulconbridge

Russia plans to start up a nuclear reactor at Iran's Bushehr plant by the end of the year, the head of Russia's state nuclear corporation said on Thursday.

"If there are no unforeseen events...then the launch will go according to the timetable," Rosatom chief Sergei Kiriyenko told reporters in the Kremlin.

"The launch is scheduled for this year," he said, adding that this was the original plan laid down in a timetable agreed with Iran. "I plan to be at the Bushehr plant in February."

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1 comment:

  1. I tell you these Russians are sneaky. They invade Georgia during the opening cermonies in Bejing. They shut down gas to the Ukraine during the Gaza-Israel conflict. Now that America is trying to get adjusted to Messiah Obama they pull this stunt. I swear the Russians just wait for a major news event to happen in the world then they strike.
