
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Senator Bend Over, Grab the Ankles Needs to be Recalled

Eric Holder has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate for the position of Attorney General by a vote of 75 to 21.

He is the most radical and dangerous man ever to occupy that position, and if you liked Janet Reno, you will love Eric Holder.

Thankfully, 21 Republican Senators voted against this seriously flawed nomination. They are:
Barrasso, Brownback, Bunning, Burr, Coburn, Cochran, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Ensign, Enzi, Hutchison, Ihofe, Johanns, McConnell, Risch, Roberts, Shelby, Thune, Vitter, Wicker
But no, not Lindsey Graham, Senator Bend Over, Grab the Ankles. Let's face it, it's a position that Lindsey enjoys. We should expect to see a lot more of this from the one that The American Spectator dubbed "the worst Republican Senator ever." He seems to have a perverse need to betray his own and sellout to those he should oppose. But whatever this RINO's psychololgical problems may be, do we need to let this man betray the overwhelming conservative values of South Carolina, damage our country, undermine the Republican caucus, and cancel out Senator DeMint's solid conservative voting record for the next 6 years? Is anyone else ready to join in a recall movement?


  1. Get the recall petition drawn up -- I will blaze it about the blogosphere!!!


  2. My God! Im glad to know that i'm not the only one that thinks he is a freaking idiot! Not to mention his vote for tim-bo at the treasury.

  3. One of the reasons a lot of people hold politics in contempt is the tendency to trivialize legitimate disagreements by making things personal.

    Conservatives complain that Democrats make personal insults in the place of logical arguments, such as calling Limbaugh fat. Such shrillness often costs them the support of the political middle.

    Then conservatives turn around and make what would be substantive arguments petty and personal in a similar manner, as evidenced by this posting.

    Perhaps if you were to avoid going over the top with personal insults, you might get the average person to go along with your more rational arguments.

    I can imagine the personal insults that will get thrown at me for saying this, but I'll say it anyway.

  4. Nothing wrong with a little fun at the gangsta-girl's expense! It's all based on his multiple betrayals of us citizens, after all.

    Yes! If there is a mechanism for recalling him in this state, then, by all means, let's make use of it! Otherwise, there're always tar and feathers . . .

  5. I can 'wrassle-up' some feathers.

    Maybe Earl could donate some tar leftover from all that manly highway work.

