
Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Third Jihad: A Wakeup-Call for America

This video needs to be seen by every American. It is a wakeup-call to a nation and its national administration that is unsure as to whether international terrorism consists of nothing more than the random acts of a few zealots. It makes clear that America, whether it recognizes it or not, is involved in a life or death struggle between the "values of freedom and democracy, and the values of barbarism.”

The film, created by a Muslim, reveals the radical Islamist manifesto, already documented by the FBI, to destroy America from within.

From The Third Jihad website:

The Third Jihad is a groundbreaking film that exposes the truth and reveals what the media is not telling you about the Jihadist quest to rule America. Based on the accounts of the one person who is not afraid to tell you the truth; Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, former physician to the US Congress and a Muslim American.

Following the FBI release of a radical Islamist manifesto outlining its plan to destroy America from within, Dr. Jasser decided to investigate. The movie The Third Jihad is about what he discovered. Its focus is on a secret manifesto of the American Muslim Brotherhood discovered by the FBI.

It describes the 'Grand Jihad' goal of the Islamic Radicals to destroy Western civilization from within by infiltrating and dominating North America. This document outlines how Radical Islamists are taking advantage of our country’s democratic processes, and using them to destroy the American way of life.

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