
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

UN Says No to Brazilian Homosexual Group; U.S. Says Yes

From OneNewsNow
By Jim Brown

A conservative activist who monitors the United Nations warns that the U.S. State Department is attempting to enable homosexual activists who are "flooding" the international body.

The U.N.'s Economic and Social Council voted 8-6 last week to deny official non-governmental (NGO) status to Brazil's Association of Gays, Lesbians and Transgenders. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council (FRC) says the Brazilian group supports sex with children and notes the U.S. was one of the six member nations that voted to approve the pedophiles.

Perkins says the State Department's vote in favor of the Brazilian homosexuals is not surprising, given that the same White House has nominated "liberal extremist" David Ogden to the second-highest post in the Justice Department. Ogden's nomination has been opposed by conservative groups like FRC because of his past representation of hard-core porn distributors.

Austin Ruse, president of Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, says homosexual activists are consistently pressing the U.N. to accept their agenda. "This instance is new, but this kind of story has been going on for years," he contends. "The gay groups, including those who overtly support pedophilia, have been flooding the U.N. with applications for official accreditation."

Austin Ruse (C-FAM)Ruse says the State Department's support for the Brazilian homosexual group is reflective of a policy begun under former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. "There was a very well-organized group of homosexuals within the State Department who directly petitioned Condoleezza Rice, and the Bush administration toward the end of his second term began voting for these groups," he points out. "And this policy is carried over to the Obama administration."

The effort by homosexual groups to obtain NGO status, according to Ruse, is part of a broader strategy by homosexual activists to "suborn the United Nations and its treaty monitoring system to their will."

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