
Friday, March 13, 2009

Catholics Demand Vatican Action on Their Bishops

A group of Catholics met with church hierarchs in Rome to demand that the Vatican re-assign Archbishop Wuerl of Washington D.C. and Bishop Loverde of Virginia.

From Spero News

Randall Terry, Operation Rescue Founder, led a delegation of nine pro-life leaders in an unprecedented series of meetings with Vatican officials from March 2-6 in Rome.

The purpose was to ask Vatican officials to intervene decisively in the Catholic Church in the United States. Vatican officials were presented with evidence that Randal and his group claim would tend to show that a majority of US bishops refuse to uphold key teachings of their Church.

The entire document -- Oves Sine Pastore (Sheep Without a Shepherd) -- is at

Terry stated that "Our first request was that the Holy See relocate Archbishop Donald Wuerl (D.C.) and Bishop Paul Loverde (Arlington V.A.), and to replace them with bishops who will uphold the laws of the Church -- namely, bishops who refuse to serve Communion to any politician who supports the killing of children by abortion.

"Recent headlines proved our point. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Kansas, recently excommunicated Governor Kathleen Sebelius. President Obama selected her to head Health and Human Services, where she will promote abortion. When she comes to DC, Archbishop Naumann will be scoffed at, she will receive Communion with Archbishop Wuerl's or Bishop Loverde's tacit approval, and American Catholics will descend further into scandal and confusion.

"If these two bishops are relocated, and Bishops of the caliber of Naumann are put in the D.C. area dioceses -- which are watched by the whole world -- it will show all humanity that the Holy See is serious about defending innocent life, and that the Eucharist is not to be profaned or scandalized. It will also tell all U.S. Bishops that the days of fear, equivocation, and outright disobedience are coming to an end."

The delegation met with:

His Excellency, Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, Prefect, Apostolic Signatura;

His Eminence, Antonio CaƱizares Llovera, Cardinal, Prefect, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments;

His Eminence, James Francis Stafford, Cardinal, Major Penitentiary, Apostolic Penitentiary;

Father Thomas Powers, Congregation for Bishops;

His Excellency, Rino Fisichella, Titular Archbishop of Voghenza, President, Pontifical Academy for Life;

Father Kevin Lixey, Pontifical Council for the Laity;

Father Victor Ghillo, Pontifical Council for the Family;

Monsignor Anthony R. Frontiero, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace; and

Monsignor Richard Soseman, the Congregation for Clergy.

Terry's delegation included Sue and Tom Cyr, Sandra and Mario Paveglio, and Joseph Landry.

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