
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Christians Across the Nation Unite in Fasting for Freedom

The TEA parties spreading across America are an important phenomenon in building conservative solidarity and the political movement necessary to free America from the Marxists and socialists who are moving quickly to destroy it. But in the quiet of our own homes it is even more important to raise hearts and minds in prayer to God, asking his mercy and deliverance from evil. The following press release explains a spiritual movement that complements and will empower the TEA Party political movement.
A movement is gaining popularity as people of the Christian faith are joining together to “fast for freedom.” Fasting, which is typically accompanied by prayer, is a spiritual discipline that has been practiced by Christians and Jews as far back as the Old Testament and commonly involves abstaining from food and drink. There are many different ways to fast, but the Fasting for Freedom movement asks those concerned about the direction our country is heading to give up a specific kind of food or something else they normally do several times a week.

“You can fast just about anything,” Jonathan Grant, one of the founders of the movement, says. “You could choose to give up donuts, soft drinks, a certain kind of TV show, movies, basketball – whatever you feel led to fast. And every time you think about the thing you are fasting, let that be a reminder to say a prayer asking God to protect our country from socialism.”

Many believe the next twelve months are pivotal to the future of our country and that if something isn’t done soon it might be too late to prevent the freedoms we take for granted from being taken away from us. Subsequently, Christians are asked to fast for the rest of the year, ending on January 1, 2010. That might seem like a daunting task, but Grant insists it is not as difficult as it sounds.

“Fasting for the majority of a year sounds difficult, but you can take it one month at a time and switch up what you are fasting at the beginning of each month. If you absolutely can’t make it that long, at least commit to fast till Independence Day (July 4th). Is it a sacrifice? Yes, but that’s the point! The most powerful thing we can do is pray and fast. Too often we think of prayer as a last resort, but God is doing unbelievable things all over the world right now that are every bit as miraculous as the stories in the New Testament. We seem to be the one nation stuck in a rut. The good news is that God doesn’t need a majority! Remember the stories of David, Gideon, and Joshua?”

All Christians concerned with the future of our country are encouraged to visit the movement’s website, where they can read more details about the fast and what they can do to help. Also on the site is a very encouraging and inspiring essay titled “Storm and the Abyss” that everyone is encouraged to read, along with a blog featuring true stories from around the world showing the true power of prayer.

1 comment:

  1. We had better get to praying! According to one frontiersman, we are already among the least free:
