
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

EU President Calls Obama Economic Plan a 'Way to Hell'

Czech prime minister Mirek Topolanek addresses
deputies at the European Parliament.
From CNN International

zech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek
shocked the normally civil European Parliament Wednesday by warning that Washington's plans to fight the global economic crisis are "the way to hell."

The apparently off-the-cuff remarks of the leader of a small Central European country might not normally make waves -- particularly since his parliament had pulled the rug out from under him just the night before.

But the Czech Republic currently holds the rotating six-month presidency of the European Union, making Topolanek, in some sense, one of the leaders of the 27-country bloc that is larger than the United States.

President Barack Obama plans to visit the Czech capital of Prague next week after stopping in London for the G-20 summit of leading industrialized and emerging economies.

So for Topolanek to attack the United States -- and its Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner by name -- is a big deal.

"The path the United States has chosen is historically discredited," he said, advising Americans to "read dusty history books" so as to avoid repeating "the errors of the 1930s" and the Great Depression.

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  1. Why don't we do what he says: Read about the application of the same "solutions"in the 30s with devasting results?
    Nothing you said proves him wrong. Is the thesis his critics that we are not suppose to learn any lesson from history?

  2. What IS IT with these leaders WE have CHOSEN?!?

  3. Mr. Topolanek should first look at the situation in his country, no wonder the government had collapsed few days ago. If he's such an expert on solutions for this crisis, Czech republic should have been fixed months ago. I wonder if he is just jealous or what because accusing others for bad plans is just pathetic when you look at the situation in Czech.

    Take care, Julie
