
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Promoting Perversion Pays — Professional Homosexual Activists Draw Massive Salaries

From Americans for Truth About Homosexuality
By Peter LaBarbera

Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign tops the list of homosexual activists with his annual salary of $338,400 to promote homosexuality, bisexuality and gender confusion (transsexuality) for the Washington, D.C.-based lobby organization.

Well, folks, if you ever doubted that homosexual activism (and AIDS “prevention”) is big business, those doubts will be erased when you read this story in the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade. This newspaper of record for homosexuals in the nation’s capital has published the salaries of the CEO or ED for the 30 largest “gay” and AIDS organizations (although the ACLU’s Gay and Lesbian Project is not listed). Also listed in the article are:

  • the organization’s annual revenue (FY 2008);
  • the staff size (full-time/part-time); and
  • the total pay package of the CEO and the percentage it makes up of the group’s total revenue

I was stunned — as someone who gets chided by “queer” activists all the time for working professionally in the pro-family movement — at some of the huge homosexual CEO salaries. Here are just a few of the top “gay” salaries:

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