
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Columbia's Tax Day TEA Party

Tomorrow, thousands of Americans across the country will organize on Tax Day to protest the tax, borrow, spend and bailout policies of Washington. Whether large or small, these demonstrations will all have one message in common: Enough! Over the past three months, Americans have seen an already out-of-control government spend their borrowed dollars as if a trillion dollars is a drop in the bucket.

After the bailouts that put the White House at the head of a number of major corporations; after a stimulus bill that the Congressional Budget Office said would lower our nation’s GDP at the cost of a trillion dollars, rebuild the welfare state and create few if any jobs; after an omnibus spending bill which combined with the stimulus bill raised discretionary spending nearly 80%; and now with a budget that increases spending by another trillion dollars, doubles our debt and plans an Energy tax that will hurt every American household; Americans are saying: Enough!

The President’s War on the American Dream doesn’t end there. After expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to include wealthy adults; after making a significant down payment on a government controlled national health care plan; after attempting to pass legislation that would take the secret ballot away from workers, that would allow bankruptcy judges to renegotiate your neighbor’s mortgage capital and interest at your expense, that would allow the U.S. Government to set wage and labor controls for every small business in America, Americans are saying: Enough!

So if you want to join your fellow Americans in a grassroots effort that started with nothing more than a few concerned citizens and a rallying cry, we have the information below for you to find them. As Fox News put it: “Conservatives may be catching up with their liberal counterparts in building a Web-driven, grassroots campaign to push their agenda.”

Liberals are going to dismiss this effort, and the media isn’t going to cover it. Leslie Marshall, a nationally syndicated radio host said “the mainstream media are not covering them because they’re not worthy of coverage…Last time I checked, Obama’s not taxing you to death — he is spending to stimulate the economy and he is an elected official.”

So, Leslie wants American voters to be quiet and take their tax hikes and spending and borrowing and bailing out, and accept that this is the America we now live in. After all, Obama is an elected official! Despite Leslie, and other members of the media elite who will try and ignore this groundswell, viral media organizations like Pajamas TV, Twitter and Facebook will allow everyone to have the power to say to the Leslie Marshall’s of the country: Enough!

Tomorrow, We the People have that opportunity!

Columbia will be holding its own "Tea Party" along with thousands of other rallies scheduled on the same day across the country. Thousands of South Carolinian's will be gathering in front of the State House on April 15th between 12:30 and 2:00 to protest the Government Bailouts and Taxes. This grassroots movement is giving the people of our country who have become tired of sitting on the sidelines, the chance to speak out about increasing government, increasing taxes, and the reckless way this government is spending our great nation into debt.

This event is shaping up to be one of the biggest events that South Carolina has seen in a long time. Governor Mark Sanford and Senator Jim DeMint have confirmed that they will speak at this event. Bill Connor, candidate for Lt. Governor and former Kershaw County GOP chairwoman Sheri Few will also speak. And we will also hear from the people themselves, our Columbia organizer, Britton Clark, who runs a local real estate company.


Two parking garages are allowing us to use their facilities. They are located at the corners of Lincoln and Washington Street and Senate and Park Street. Tell the attendants "Stand Up" and you will get a discount to park for $3.00. They asked that you bring three $1.00 bills to pay as you enter. Once the event is over, they will open the exit gate and keep it raised so that everyone will be able to leave quickly. We suggest people arrive by at least 11:45 AM so that they can find a place to park and make it to the State House. There should be a shuttle service available as well.

Tax Day Tea Party has coordinated with SC Fair Tax Rally who has secured the State Fair parking, entrance thru gate #11 on Bluff Rd. Shuttle buses will drop you off at the State House, and after that event, the shuttles will transport you to the Township Auditorium if you at attending that Rally. If you wish to attend Fair Tax, you must RSVP at

SIGNS & Cameras

Make you own signs and/or bring US flags. Keep your signs on message. If you have extra flags to share, please bring those! And don't forget to bring your cell phone cameras, and digital cameras and video cams. Be sure to record or photograph anyone or thing that occurs near you. We want to be sure the media knows how many people showed up. Disruptive behavior or any kind will not be tolerated. This is a peaceful protest!


Specially selected songs have been chosen to play in keeping with the various themes


SC Tax WEEK Tea Parties


Please spread the word. There are now 9 planned Tea Parties in South Carolina this week.

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