
Monday, April 6, 2009

Does AIG Bailout Violate Establishment Clause?

From OneNewsNow
By Chad Groening

A law firm that defends and promotes Christian heritage and moral values has responded to a U.S. Justice Department request to dismiss its lawsuit challenging the government's American International Group (AIG) bailout on the basis that it violates the Establishment Clause.

Islam crescent questionAs reported by OneNewsNow, in December the Thomas More Law Center filed a constitutional challenge to that portion of the "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008" that appropriated $40 billion in taxpayer money to fund and financially support the federal government's majority ownership in AIG. Spokesman Brian Rooney says his firm filed suit because AIG has a board that supervises insurance policies for Islamic customers so they will comply with Sharia law. That, says Rooney, violates the Establishment Clause.

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