
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Great New Archbishop for New York

Archbishop Timothy Dolan has arrived in New York in preparation for his installation as the tenth Archbishop of New York. That installation may be seen via live streaming here beginning at 1:30 pm, EDT, on Wednesday, April 15.

The Archbishop of New York traditionally wields enormous influence within the Church in the United States and beyond. In every case, he eventually becomes a Cardinal, presiding over 2.5 million Catholics in nearly 400 parishes. He also oversees 10 colleges and universities, 9 hospitals, and a vast network of schools and social welfare agencies. But I predict that the influence of Archbishop Timothy Dolan will exceed that of most of his predecessors because he combines strong, orthodox conviction with a huge heart and very winning personality. He gave New Yorkers a foretaste in this impromptu press conference yesterday on the steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral.

The Holy Father has made a superb choice and given New York a great gift.

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