
Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm a Bad Catholic But Even I Must Defend My Church Against Mr Blair's Belief He's Now God

From The Daily Mail
By Tom Utley

How typical of Tony Blair. He's been a Roman Catholic for only 20 minutes, yet he's already lecturing the Pope on how to 'modernise' the founding Church of Christendom, so as to make its doctrines more congenial to Anthony Charles Lynton Blair. I honestly think the poor man has gone mad. He really does seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that he's God.

In an interview with the gay magazine Attitude, the former Prime Minister rebukes Benedict XVI for his 'entrenched' views on homosexuality, telling him that he must recognise how the world is changing and adapt accordingly.

Now, if you ask me, it's rather the point of a Church's moral teachings that they're bedded-in and resistant to the shifting breezes of public opinion and fashion. But, of course, 'entrenched' has always been a boo-word in Mr Blair's vocabulary. In his philosophy, any idea or institution that has stood the test of more than a couple of years must self-evidently need digging up and pulling to bits.

Two unmovable forces - the Pope's doctrine and Tony Blair's ego

Two unmovable forces - the Pope's doctrine and Tony Blair's ego

But I must let him explain himself in his own, hilarious, words, which must surely consign parodists to the dole queues for ever.

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