
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Incredible - Obama Defends Himself But Not America

Obama Embraces Nicaraguan Communist Leader Daniel Ortega

From American Thinker
By Rick Moran

Following Nicaraguan Communist leader Daniel Ortega's wild, exaggerated, and mostly baseless harangue against the United States (referring to our "terrorist actions" in Latin America), President Obama mildly criticized Ortega and then used the same excuse he used while downplaying his relationship with Bill Ayers in trying to distance himself from the actions of his own country -- he was just a little baby when it happened:
In his 17-minute address to the summit, Obama departed from his prepared remarks to mildly rebuke Ortega.

"To move forward, we cannot let ourselves be prisoners of past disagreements. I'm grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old. Too often, an opportunity to build a fresh partnership of the Americas has been undermined by stale debates. We've all heard these arguments before."
What jaw dropping hubris! Bad enough he licks the boots of Oretga by basically agreeing with him. He's just telling him to move on because now that he's president, these horrible things won't happen anymore. Has there ever been such an egotistical president?

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