
Friday, April 17, 2009

Notre Dame Alumni Withhold Donations Until ND Prez Replaced

From LifeSiteNews
By Kathleen Gilbert

A coalition of University of Notre Dame alumni have unveiled a campaign to withhold donations to their alma mater in an attempt to oust University president Fr. John Jenkins, who is standing by his invitation to President Obama to speak and receive an honorary degree at this year's commencement exercises.

Citing the invitation, as well as Jenkins' "other regrettable decisions over the years," the alumni founders of are urging alumni and other Notre Dame contributors to sign a petition pledging to withhold all donations until the president is replaced. (

"Although we love Notre Dame, our conscience requires that we withhold all financial support from our University until such time as Father Jenkins is replaced as Notre Dame's President with someone who will be more loyal to the teaching of the Catholic Church," states the group on its website.

" fully supports academic freedom at the University of Notre Dame, but we believe that the truths revealed by Christ through His Church must be taught and defended by a faithful Catholic University."

The website continues: "We believe that Father Jenkins has, in the best case scenario, shown incredibly poor judgment in honoring President Obama given the radical pro-abortion positions Obama advocates; in the worst case scenario, Father Jenkins is deliberately acting in contradiction to Catholic teaching.

"He should, in good conscience, resign," says the group. "Alternatively, and with charity, he should be removed.

"We welcome the day when we can feel proud of our University once again - and when the University of Notre Dame leads all Catholic colleges as one deeply committed to a culture of life, a role one would expect from Our Lady's University."

The group joins over 300,000 petitioners with the Cardinal Newman Society, as well as 33 U.S. bishops, who have condemned the Obama invitation as gravely contrary to the U.S. Bishops Conference injunction that Catholic schools not honor pro-abortion politicians.

To view the Notre Dame alumni coalition's website:

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