
Friday, April 24, 2009


The Biggest Spending Spree in American History

From the Republican Study Committee

As President Barack Obama approaches his 100th day in office, we have just witnessed the most debt-riddled first 100 days of an administration in American history. Obama has vaulted far past the debt numbers accumulated by his two predecessors in their first 100 days (in fact past their entire first years). In just 100 days, Obama has left future generations 564 billion dollars in new debt. Unfortunately for taxpayers, this is only a preview of what is to come.

As American taxpayers continue to hand over their money to pay for President Obama’s reckless spending agenda, it is appropriate to compare his first 100 days to those of previous administrations. Below, find the debt accumulated in President Obama’s first 100 days compared to those of Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Even given the size and scope of President Obama’s reckless spending agenda, the figures below are sure to surprise. (Source: Bureau of Public Debt)

Obama even blows away the competition when comparing his first 100 days to his predecessors’ first full YEAR.

Clinton’s 1st YEAR

Bush’s 1st YEAR

Obama’s 1st 100 DAYS

$312 Billion

$194 Billion

$564 Billion

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