
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obama's Revenge Against GM

From American Thinker
By James Lewis

Watching Obama is a psychiatrist's delight. Here we have a middle-aged man with no real-world accomplishments, but with truly astonishing grandiosity and a rock-star following that confirms his Jesus Christ Complex at every opportunity. Obama must have real, ingrained grandiosity, the kind that is anchored deep in the soul. He goes ‘way beyond the usual high-fallutin' rhetoric from presidential speech writers -- because he has just fired the President and CEO of General Motors, something no previous president, including FDR or JFK, would ever have imagined doing.

That's not rhetoric, and it isn't just show. It's an political gamble unprecedented in American history, a throw of the dice so breath-taking that the press, the pundits and the voters haven't yet been able to take it in. It is a sort of political Blitzkrieg, a lightning stroke so sudden that it's hard to even understand, but which will trigger wave upon wave of thunderous echoes in the years to come.

If this were a Hitchcock movie I'd be settling back for a rollicking good time. Unfortunately, it is reality -- and that means we have another four years of this psychodrama to live through. Good luck to us all.

The liberal cliché -- a false one -- is that capitalism follows the slogan, "What's good for General Motors is good for the United States." For the moment it is not relevant that the President of GM never said that during the Eisenhower years. What's important is that Google shows 389,000,000 citations for the phrase "good for General Motors." It's a mental meme gone viral on the Left, and all the liberals think it means that to rich capitalists, GM comes first and everybody else comes later -- or maybe never. It is the leftist accusation that has stuck in the minds of the liberals.

We know that Obama has a very conventional mind. I have not heard a single novel or even interesting idea from the man over all the months that I've listened to him. He clearly has no understanding of classical economics. He doesn't understand, as Bill Clinton did, the real harm and suffering that welfare dependency has inflicted on black people after LBJ's War on Poverty. He does not understand the elementary difference between productive and non-productive investment of scarce resources. He has no conception of the damage inflicted by inflation on the poor, more than even on the rest of the country. He has no real understanding of the dizzying complexities of foreign policy -- nor does his Secretary of State, who was hardly picked for her competence in foreign affairs.

These are not just rank amateurs, they are willfully ignorant amateurs, who also happen to be grandiose narcissists, and who now have free reign over the levers of power in the United States. We are all watching the Titanic steaming full speed ahead right before that diamond-hard iceberg tears off all the steel rivets from her skin. If you're not aghast, you're just not paying attention.

So why did he decide to fire Rick Wagoner, the President and CEO of General Motors?

Was it sound policy?
Not likely. But if you think it was, watch the Dow and the economy in the coming months, and then decide.

Was it sound politics?
Not likely. The Democrats who are up for election next year are already dancing away from this one just as fast as they can move. That's why they say it was all the White House's doing. Don't look at me! I didn't do it!

(It's up to the GOP and the New Media to hang this one around their necks come election time.)

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