
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pandemic Feared As Swine Flu Spreads

It was just days ago that Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, told us that illegal immigration is not a crime, even though the statute says that it is. As with most liberals, national survival doesn't mean much to the cabinet member charged with ensuring it. But personal survival is quite another matter for her sort. Now that foreign invaders threaten the lives of her family, friends and neighbors back in Arizona, securing the national borders may yet become as high a government priority as no smoking bans, seat belt enforcement, and safe sex.

Scientists search for answers in new strain

From The Washington Times
By Associated Press

A new swine flu strain that has killed as many as 81 people and sickened more than 1,000 across Mexico has "pandemic potential," the World Health Organization chief said Saturday, and it may be too late to contain the sudden outbreak.

Mexico's president assumed new powers Saturday to isolate people infected with a deadly swine flu strain as authorities struggled to contain the outbreak.

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