
Friday, April 17, 2009

PepsiCo Opposes Resolution Regarding Donations to Homosexual Activist Groups

The American Family Association reports that PepsiCo's corporate leadership is "opposing a shareholder resolution that requires it provide more information concerning its charitable contributions." The resolution will be voted on at the shareholders meeting May 6. The resolution reads:
  • "Resolved: That the shareholders request the Company to provide a semiannual report...disclosing: the Company's standards for choosing which organizations receive the Company's assets in the form of charitable contributions; business rationale and purpose for each of the charitable contributions; personnel who participated in making the decisions to contribute; the benefits to the Company and beneficiaries produced by Company contributions; and a follow-up confirming that the organization actually used the contributions for the purpose stated."
The resolution is in response to Pepsi giving a combined $1,000,000 to the Human Rights Campaign (the nation's largest homosexual organization) and Parents, Families and Friends of Lesgians and Gays to promote the homosexual lifestyle in the workplace.

AFA is urging the following action:

Sign the Boycott Pepsi Pledge. After signing the pledge, please call Pepsi (914-253-2000 or 1-800-433-2652) and tell the company you will boycott its products until it stops promoting the homosexual agenda.

• Ask any shareholder you know to vote for the resolution.

Call the Pepsi bottler nearest you and ask it to stop supporting the homosexual agenda.

• Pepsi’s products include Pepsi soft drinks, Frito-Lay chips and snacks (800-352-4477), Quaker Oats (800-367-6287), Tropicana (800-237-7799) and Gatorade (800-884-2867).

Print the Boycott Pepsi Pledge and distribute it.

Contact your friends and family so they will know about Pepsi’s support of the homosexual agenda. Millions of people are not aware of Pepsi’s support of homosexual organizations.


  1. pepsi is standing up for fairness and equality! GODD FOR THEM!!!

  2. Pepsi is philandering to one specific target group to make money, BodaciousNUT. This is simply another example of the denegration of American society. What are my specific rights as a heterosexual white male? Say I want the state to recognize my right to be straight and I want it in writing NOW. I would be called a bigot, racist, extreme right winger. No one, and I mean no one, deserves special consideration because they are gay. NO ONE, plain and simple. How dare you.

    1. Oh really? Do you enjoy your marriage? Does your wife find comfort in the mutual health insurance you have? Or the right to visit one another in a hospital? IF life was fair and "no one deserves special consideration" you would have none of these rights, "plain and simple". So please, let's either dismantle your hate of the gays. Because, trust me, they fight for equality, not privilege nor "special consideration".

  3. I demand fairness and equality for those men born with a natural sexual orientation of attraction to pre-adolescent boys.

    As the North American Man-Boy Love Association explains:

    "Man/boy love is exceptional only for the degree to which it is still misunderstood in cultures derived from Northwestern Europe. Most man/boy relationships are based on mutual respect and affection, and strongly desired by both partners. Such relationships do not harm anyone, and often entail many benefits for both man and boy. Boy-lovers and boys alike respond to the needs of those they love — needs for affection, understanding, and freedom. Who we are is perhaps best understood from Dr. John Money’s account of two boys, who speak about how they view their adult lovers: Andy – 'Just as normal as anybody else. He is like a second father to me.' Burt – 'He’s neat; and he’s nice, and gives me more respect than anyone ever has ... he treats me like an adult, not like my parents treat me. To me, he’s my best friend.'"

    NAMBLA further explains on its website:

    "The issue of love between men and boys has intersected the gay movement since the late nineteenth century, with the rise of the first gay rights movement in Germany. In the United States, as the gay movement has retreated from its vision of sexual liberation, in favor of integration and assimilation into existing social and political structures, it has increasingly sought to marginalize even demonize cross-generational love. Pederasty - that is, love between a man and a youth of 12 to 18 years of age - say middle-class homosexuals, lesbians, and feminists, has nothing to do with gay liberation. Some go so far as to claim, absurdly, that it is a heterosexual phenomenon, or even 'sexual abuse.' What a travesty!"

    I agree with BodaciousBoi: fairness and equality for all, including boy lovers! Will Bodacious and Pepsi take a stand against all discrimination based on the sexual orientation with which someone is born?

    1. This is bogus. NAMBLA has nothing to do with consensual activities between grown adults. This is someone pushing out propaganda to associate homosexuality with pedophilia.

  4. Here are the responses from these companies and addresses to write and contact. Not a fluke, Just plain Sick!!
