
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Restore the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution Now!

We are delighted to learn that Senator Larry Martin, R-Pickens, chairman of the South Carolina Senate Rules Committee, has asked that chamber to give priority status on the Senate calendar to a resolution affirming our state's sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

This resolution is sweeping through the states, and plans are being developed for more concerted action among the states, to ensure that the federal government abides by the Constitution in the future.

As one would expect, Democrats have criticized this legislation as symbolic and having no "weight of law" in Washington.

We believe that a vote on this legislation will be enormously important in helping South Carolina voters sort out those state legislators who believe in the Constitution, from those who do not. Also, this should be a first step toward collaboration among states in standing up for their sovereign rights. Over twenty-seven states are considering or have enacted the resolution.

When these states unite in refusing the unfunded mandates, the unconstitutional interference in state matters, and refuse the shekels that are invariably followed by shackles, our republic will be restored and renewed in liberty and justice for all.

Those South Carolina legislators unwilling to stand up for the sovereignty of South Carolina should get out of Freedom's way. If they do not, voters will have a grave responsibility to remove them.

In the following video, Governor Rick Perry, a Governor cut from the same cloth as Governor Sanford, endorses the resolution introduced in the Texas legislature.

1 comment:

  1. Great post - if you hear any further news on what's happening in SC, please contact us at so we can report on it as well...
