
Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunlit Uplands Reader Calls for Fairness in Pepsi Giving

We posted a story recently about PepsiCo stockholders who are critical of Pepsi's giving $1,000,000 in support of major sodomite advocacy organizations. But a Sunlit Uplands reader calls our attention to judgmental and discriminatory attitudes in Pepsi's giving. Surely, the SC sodomite bloggers will want to address this prejudice:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PepsiCo Opposes Resolution Regarding Donations to ...":

I demand fairness and equality for those men born with a natural sexual orientation of attraction to pre-adolescent boys.

As the North American Man-Boy Love Association explains:

"Man/boy love is exceptional only for the degree to which it is still misunderstood in cultures derived from Northwestern Europe. Most man/boy relationships are based on mutual respect and affection, and strongly desired by both partners. Such relationships do not harm anyone, and often entail many benefits for both man and boy. Boy-lovers and boys alike respond to the needs of those they love — needs for affection, understanding, and freedom. Who we are is perhaps best understood from Dr. John Money’s account of two boys, who speak about how they view their adult lovers: Andy – 'Just as normal as anybody else. He is like a second father to me.' Burt – 'He’s neat; and he’s nice, and gives me more respect than anyone ever has ... he treats me like an adult, not like my parents treat me. To me, he’s my best friend.'"

NAMBLA further explains on its website:

"The issue of love between men and boys has intersected the gay movement since the late nineteenth century, with the rise of the first gay rights movement in Germany. In the United States, as the gay movement has retreated from its vision of sexual liberation, in favor of integration and assimilation into existing social and political structures, it has increasingly sought to marginalize even demonize cross-generational love. Pederasty - that is, love between a man and a youth of 12 to 18 years of age - say middle-class homosexuals, lesbians, and feminists, has nothing to do with gay liberation. Some go so far as to claim, absurdly, that it is a heterosexual phenomenon, or even 'sexual abuse.' What a travesty!"

I agree with BodaciousBoi: fairness and equality for all, including boy lovers! Will Bodacious and Pepsi take a stand against all discrimination based on the sexual orientation with which someone is born?

1 comment:

  1. Good Grief -- What is IN that Pepsi stuff?


    Maybe it needs more than a boycott.
