
Monday, April 20, 2009

Too Old? Too Plain? No Way!

From OpsLadder

Let me set the scene.

You're a dowdy 47-year-old from Northern England. "Never been married, never been kissed." No love in your life. No job. No luck.

But you have a gift within you. And you know it.

And you've somehow managed to make your way onto a TV Show called "Britain's Got Talent" and you are now standing on a national stage.

The crowd is hooting with derision. That smarmy judge on the left is snickering at you. Simon Cowell is rolling his eyes. Everybody is pretty much certain that "little old you" is going to crash and burn in a way that will be hilarious to all.

You've "never been given a chance before." And it's pretty easy for everybody to understand why. You're an odd-looking lady from the North. They are serving you up to the laughing wolves for the sake of the television audience. This is going to be funny.

What do you do?

What do you do?

Well, if you're my new personal hero Susan Boyle, you wrap your two hands around the microphone and slowly focus and...

Susan Boyle
Click on image to see video

Then you sing your song to the rafters. Your lift your voice to the heavens. You give a life-defining performance, and you sing an audience of millions into tears.

You hit your high note and bring a lump to the throat of the judges.

You bring the audience to their feet and watch as they realize they can't possibly reach their hands high enough in the sky to applaud you.

You inspire a planet.

You knew you had the gift within you. You just needed to be given a chance, that's all you ever wanted.

And when you got your chance, you shined brighter than any starlet or supermodel ever could.

Readers, I know I've learned a very important lesson from Susan Boyle this morning...

Dream Your Dream.

1 comment:

  1. What about the inspirational Paul Potts back in 2007?
