
Friday, May 1, 2009

The Death of Christian Europe and a Call to Action

This video presents the shocking demographics that will lead to a Europe comprised of Islamic republics within a generation.

(If video fails to work, please try clicking on "HQ" above.)

1 comment:

  1. There is a song, the signature verse is --

    They'll know we are Christians
    By our love


    Only the love of Jesus Christ can overcome the hatred that is radical Islam. Without it they will never get tired, never give up, never run out of money, and never run out of hate.

    I can only pray that if they reach a point in their lives, their backs are against a wall, that they will call upon the God of Father Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I pray He will answer them, as He has for others.

    I pray they will hear him tell them,

    "I am the Alpha and the Omega. I have known you since before the foundation of the world."
