
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lady Thatcher Meets Pope Benedict XVI after Audience in St Peter's Square

(Francesco Sforza/AFP/Getty Images)

Lady Thatcher meets Pope Benedict XVI

From TimesOnline
By Richard Owen

A frail-looking Lady Thatcher, 83, today met Pope Benedict XVI at the end of his general audience on St Peter's Square.

The former Prime Minister, a Methodist by upbringing, was accompanied by Paul Johnson, the Catholic writer and historian, and Charles Moore, her biographer and the former editor of the Daily Telegraph, also a Catholic, who held an umbrella over Lady Thatcher's head to shield her from the sun.

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1 comment:

  1. She is SOME Lady! Methodists are bred to be genteel like that, I think.

    The Pope's hat, vagely resembles the planet known as Saturn...

    [See also "Holy Saturno" 9/6/06 on]

    Great people always dress kinda weird, I guess!
