
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Head of LGBT Youth Group and 7 Others Guilty of Child Porn and Sex Charges

Eight members of a global pedophile ring were found guilty of a catalog of child pornography and abuse charges, including the sexual assault of a three-month-old baby.

From The Telegraph

By Auslan Cramb

Ringleaders Neil Strachan (bottom, far right) and James Rennie (top, second right) befriended the families of the children they abused.

The groundbreaking court case uncovered Scotland's biggest pedophile network and revealed the shocking crimes of a "spider's web of apparently respectable men".

A jury at the High Court in Edinburgh took ten hours to return verdicts on 54 separate charges.

Rennie, 38, was the chief executive of LGBT Youth Scotland, a group dedicated to helping young lesbian and homosexual deal with their sexuality.

Strachan, 41, a paint firm engineer who was previously jailed for molesting a young boy, was the former secretary of a Celtic boys club and a campaigner on homosexual issues.

The court was told that he was "polluted by deviant compulsion". Dorothy Bain QC, prosecuting, said: "In reality he is someone who allowed his profound interest in the sexual abuse of children to engulf his entire life."

Some of the evidence the jurors sat through was so disturbing that consideration was given to offering them counseling at the end of the case.

Rennie circulated photographs of his abuse of a small boy, allowed Strachan to join him in the assault, and offered the child to other pedophiles.

The family of his victim – described in court as Child F - said after the verdicts were announced that their life had been "turned upside down".

They added: "For over 15 years James Rennie seemed the closest of family friends and it is hard to put into words the extent of the betrayal he has exacted upon us, as many of the details may identify our family and son.

"To subsequently learn that he abused our son, and invited others to do the same, has been devastating. As a family we have had to learn to live, and cope with, the effect these horrific events have had."

The mother of an 18-month-old boy abused by Strachan said she would never be able to forgive him for the "sick" attacks on her son.

She added: "The anguish I feel towards Mr Strachan is indescribable. I feel that no matter what punishment given to Mr Strachan it will never be able to compensate for the hurt, devastation and great deal of stress brought to me and my family.

"Mr Strachan used and abused our trust in order to satisfy his and others' sick needs."

In a legal first in a Scottish court, five of the men were convicted of a charge of conspiring to commit sex offenses against children.

The group was caught after an international investigation called Operation Algebra was launched in response to the discovery of photographs on the computer of one of the men.

More than 125,000 images were seized in the inquiry and officers discovered links with pedophiles in the US and the Netherlands.

Strachan, Rennie, Ross Webber, 27, a bank worker from North Berwick, Craig Boath, 24, an insurance claims adjuster, and John Milligan, 40, a civil servant from Glasgow, were found guilty of plotting to turn their fantasies into reality by arranging access to children to carry out acts of sexual abuse.

The same five were also found guilty, along with Colin Slaven, 23, an IT worker from Edinburgh, John Murphy, 44, a receptionist in a sauna in Glasgow, and Neil Campbell, 46, a cake firm manager from Glasgow, of charges relating to child pornography.

The offenses were committed in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and East Lothian between February 2004 to May 2008.

They will be sentenced later.


  1. The teaching links, were also worrying, the network extended to the USA, it is debatable if the US authorities, were told of how evil these people were.

    There may be 'political' issues, in relation to how much the US authorities, were told.

    Gay rights in Scotland, has the Ian Dunn precedent, they actually named a prize after one of Europe's foremost pedophiles.

  2. How very unsurprising. What fools the right-on PC parents were to entrust a homosexual to look after a young boy.
    It's like asking an alcoholic to take look after your wine cellar.
    Homosexuality is perverse and unnatural, intrinsically disordered, and the general population will always view it as such.
    It is only the corrupt political and media class who promote this filth as "normal".
    As a Scot, I hold my nation in contempt because our elected leaders the devolved Scotish Government, had apointed Rennie to various committees that promote homosexuality.

  3. I followed this case from its early days and, apart from the horror of the offenses, what struck me was the dearth of coverage in the MSM, in particular even the local, Edinburgh-based impeccable reputation, The Scotsman. There was a short article at the start of the trial and then a few weeks later a "they're convicted" article which was, unusually for The Scotsman online, not allowed comment. Less surprisingly, same thing at the BBC site.

    At the risk of being labeled paranoid, across the board, it seemed to me like a case of "sweep it under the rug". Can it be that there is a movement here in the media, in fact a conspiracy, which is so embarrassed that they do not wish to report on the truth of their own secret underlife? The association here between homosexuality and pedophilia is so blatant that one has to wonder... and this in the country, Scotland, which has a "social" award named after a prominent advocate of pedophilia, Ian Dunn.

    I have to ask, what the hell is going on here? Do we have the genesis of a movement which is determined to drag our civilization down and back to the level of unenlightened, ancient Greece. How far is this going to go before there's a measured, rational, effective response to this debauchery?

  4. I cannot believe I am reading such ignorance and stupidity. Homosexuality and paedophillia are different things.

    I am a gay man and was appalled by this case, as every sane person would be.

    I am disappointed to read such poisonous and dangerous comments. I thought people in Scotland were more enlightened than this.
