
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Help Free Gao Zhisheng

Christian human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng, disappeared February 4, and was last seen being taken away by a dozen police officers. Gao Zhisheng has been repeatedly kidnapped, arrested, imprisoned and tortured by Chinese authorities, because he has defended the persecuted and has been an unyielding voice for justice in the Chinese courts.

Read Gao's account of 50 days of torture in 2007.

Read Gao Zhisheng's letter to the U.S. Congress in 2007.

Read Geng He's open letter to the U.S. Congress.

Read Senator Dorgan's speech from the Senate floor.

ChinaAid together with Mr. Gao's wife and children are deeply concerned about Mr. Gao, and reports from inside China indicate he is experiencing severe torture.

Please sign the petition on the page that The Voice of the Martyrs has dedicated to this brave Christian man.

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