
Monday, May 4, 2009

Notre Dame, My Mother

From First Things
By Lacy Dodd

For many members of the Notre Dame Class of 2009, the uproar surrounding the university’s decision to honor Barack Obama with this year’s commencement address, and to bestow on him a doctorate of laws, has provoked strong feelings about what the ensuing conflict will mean for their graduation.

I know how they feel. Ten years ago, my heart was filled with similar conflicts as we came closer to the day of my own Notre Dame commencement and my commissioning as an officer in the United States Army.

You see, I was three months pregnant.

That March, I had gone—alone—to a local woman’s clinic to take a test. The results were positive, and I was so numb I almost didn’t grasp what the nurse was getting at when she assured me I had “other options.” What did “other options” mean? And what kind of world is it that defines compassion as telling a young woman who has just learned she is carrying life inside her that she has the option to destroy it?

Read the rest of this entry >>


  1. In the "National Right to Life News" April President's column is a guest column written by Anthony J. Lauinger, VP, National Right to Life -- who with his wife Phyllis entrusted their eight children to Notre Dame. He calls this year a tragic ending of that support, with their youngest due to graduate this May 17.

    "...Barack Obama has declared war on the unborn child, a scorched-earth, take-no-prisoners war in which he is aggressively, zealously, relentlessly attempting to wipe out three and a half decades of hard-fought pro-life gains while his policies simultaneously annihilate countless human beings at home and abroad."

  2. Thanks for a great post that cuts to the core of this issue. The secular left is smiling in praise while they laugh on the inside at how cheaply Fr Jenkins can be bought. The Bible has some references on bad shepards leading their sheep astray. It would serve the very illustrious reverend to reread those section. What has Fr. John Jenkins done on behalf of the innocent and weakest of our society in honoring those who officially support extermination by abortion of "unwanted elements"? Victims of abortion in this nation are disproportionately poor and members of minority groups. Is honoring officials that advocate even stronger abortion policies what Fr. Jenkins means by "prefential option for the poor."?
