
Friday, May 15, 2009

Now Veterans are Dangerous Right-Wing Extremists

The report is withdrawn but a question remains; why does a federal department have staff busy drafting warning reports about US citizens who are patriotic veterans, tax objectors, supporters of laws requiring border enforcement, and pray at abortion clinics? Homeland Security looks increasingly like a Ministry of Political Intimidation and Propaganda.

From The Washington Times

By Audrey Hudson

A contentious "Rightwing Extremism" report that warned of military veterans as possible recruits for terrorist attacks against the U.S. was not authorized, has been withdrawn and is being rewritten, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Capitol Hill lawmakers.

"The wheels came off the wagon because the vetting process was not followed," Ms. Napolitano told the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday.

"The report is no longer out there," she said. "An employee sent it out without authorization."

The report was shared with state and local law enforcement officials nationwide via the department's internal Web site on April 7, angering Republican lawmakers and military veterans who said it unfairly stereotyped veterans.

Ms. Napolitano did not say when the report was taken off the "intel Web site" and all Homeland Security Department Web sites, but she said it is in the process of being "replaced or redone in a much more useful and much more precise fashion."

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