
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One in 7 Who Leave Guantanamo Involved in Terrorism

Our President's concern for his Muslim brothers will result in data more damning than a "misery index" when he runs again -- instead, we will be able to count the slaughtered that result from his terrorist-friendly policies.

From Reuters

Seventy-four, or one out of every seven, terrorism suspects formerly held at the U.S. detention site at Guantanamo Bay are confirmed or suspected of having returned to terrorism, the Pentagon said on Tuesday.

Of more than 530 detainees transferred from the U.S. base in Cuba, 27 are confirmed and 47 suspected of "reengaging in terrorist activity," according to a written Pentagon summary.

The total of 74 has more than doubled since May 2007, when the Pentagon said about 30 had gone back to terrorist activity, and increased slightly since January, when the figure stood at 61.

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  1. In other words, GITMO was wrong about 86% of the time.

  2. I wouldn't sign my name to some of the comments that are left here either, Anon. First, those actually documented as repeat terrorists may be a small percentage of those that resume killing people. Secondly, if the purpose of prison is rehabilitation, the fact that some do not resume blowing up innocent civilians is to GITMO's credit. Finally, since all were caught in the process of Jihad, we may never know how many lives were saved while these killers were confined.

    If you believe that 86% are wrongly confined, perhaps you would like to volunteer to provide shelter for some of those released.

  3. Exactly, Anon. What Daniel said.
