
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pepsi Shareholders Hear from Ex-'Gay'

From OneNewsNow
By Charlie Butts

PepsiPepsico's board of directors has heard from a traditional values group about their support of the homosexual agenda -- and its alienation of the company's consumer base.

At the Pepsico board meeting in Dallas on Wednesday, Greg Quinlan of PFOX -- Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays -- offered a resolution to the board calling for full disclosure and accountability on contributions to charitable organizations. He tells OneNewsNow why he called on shareholders to support Resolution No. 6.

"Pepsico is giving a million dollars to the homosexual agenda, supporting groups like HRC, the Human Rights Campaign...the ninth-largest of all independent political action committees in Washington, DC," he says. "Also they have been giving money to PFLAG -- half a million dollars. PFLAG is Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays."

In a transcript of the speech he delivered today, Quinlan described HRC and PFLAG as "gay organizations that hate people like me."

Quinlan, himself a former homosexual, says he is pleased with the outcome of Resolution No. 6. As he explains, it only takes three percent of the stockholder vote to keep a resolution alive.

"And I was told by people in the know that if we got five to six percent it would be a miracle. We got over five percent," he shares. "That is an answer to prayer, and it keeps the issue alive in front of the Pepsico board of directors and in front of their shareholders."

related article buttonPepsico Foundation officials said they would be in touch with Quinlan to continue a dialogue on the issue. But he urged American Family Association members and others to continue the boycott against Pepsico because he believes it is helping set the stage for possible change. AFA announced the boycott in January.

1 comment:

  1. I have been buying RC cola once I learned that Coke/Pepsi Give money to LA RAZA...a brown-fascist group into RECONQUISTA.
