
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shut Up, General Powell

General Colin Powell is living proof that military officers (particularly Generals) and politics don't and shouldn't mix. It is mind boggling that this man, who has never been elected to anything, should continue to lecture the Republican Party on inclusiveness and the need to adopt more liberal policy positions. Has anyone else noticed that when the Republican Party nominated just such a candidate, the most liberal candidate it has ever nominated for the Presidency of the United States, Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama?

We can well understand the guilt and the regret Powell must feel for his race-based endorsement, but he has lost all standing, if he ever had any, to lecture the Republican Party on how to win elections.

What rankles the arrogant General is the impertinence of real Republicans like Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh for suggesting that he is a horse's ass and a hypocrite, who endorsed a Marxist simply because he is black.

If General Powell has any commitment to the Republican Party and believes his liberal views are the path to its revival, let him demonstrate that at the polls. If he is unwilling to show us how it should be done, he should get off his high horse and shut up.

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