
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

U.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly on the Job

And you thought the Stimulus Package was just for the benefit of the United States!

By Edwin Mora

The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will pay $2.6 million in U.S. tax dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job.

Dr. Xiaoming Li, the researcher conducting the program, is director of the Prevention Research Center at Wayne State
University School of Medicine in Detroit.

The grant, made last November, refers to prostitutes as "female sex workers"--or
FSW--and their handlers as "gatekeepers."

"Previous studies in Asia and Africa and our own data from FSWs [female sex workers] in China suggest that the social norms and institutional policy within commercial sex venues as well as agents overseeing the FSWs (
i.e., the 'gatekeepers', defined as persons who manage the establishments and/or sex workers) are potentially of great importance in influencing alcohol use and sexual behavior among establishment-based FSWs," says the NIH grant abstract submitted by Dr. Li.

Read the rest of this entry >>


  1. This is nothing but a small component of the President's "Stimulus" package meant to revive the sagging world economy (China is hurting since U.S. consumer demand has slackened) and the U.S. economy - indirectly. There is much evidence that drinking on the job affects productivity....which can lead to unhappy customers of the FSWs. These unhappy customers will then return to their jobs making products for the global economy..but with less productivity and quality control than if they were happy workers. The result will be sub-optimal products and prices; discouraging U.S. consumers from spending their refinanced credit...and slowing the effects of the "stimulus." How can you find fault in such remediation efforts?

  2. They just want to dope us up real good with sex, drugs and mindless entertainment. They have pretty much achieved that.
    Next up, they will 'encourage' us to love our servitude by pre-determining our destiny's via genetic manipulation and mental conditioning.
    Embrace depopulation and pass the Soma...
